How to Scrape News Articles and Summarize the Content with AI

2023-05-10 - 9 min read

Nicolae Rotaru
Nicolae Rotaru


In today's digital age, the internet provides us with an overwhelming amount of information, including news articles from various sources.
While staying informed is important, it can be time-consuming and overwhelming to sift through numerous articles and websites to get a complete picture of a story.

That's where web scraping and AI-powered summarization come in. Web scraping allows us to extract data from websites, including news articles, while AI-powered summarization algorithms can help us to quickly digest and understand the key points of an article.

In this blog post, we'll explore how to scrape news articles from BBC News with Page2API and summarize the content with GPT-3.5-turbo to efficiently gather and understand news content.

You can use the code from this post to start building your own AI news scraper.
This will allow you to automate the process of collecting and analyzing news articles, providing you with a streamlined and efficient way to stay updated on current events and topics of interest.
With customization, you can tailor the article scraper to focus on specific news sources, topics, or types of content, making it a valuable tool for both personal use and professional research.


To start scraping the articles from the news websites, we will need the following things:

  • A Page2API account
  • An OpenAI account
  • The URL of an article from BBC News. This can also be an URL from any other news website, since the HTML selector will be the same.
  • Some basic Ruby and JavaScript coding skills.

How to scrape the news article content

Before starting, we need to know that the the content we are looking for is usually located inside an article HTML tag, which makes the task a bit easier.

To start scraping we can use any news article URL, for example:

The article URL is the first parameter we need to start the scraping process.

From the article page, we will only scrape the content, which is located inside the article tag.

But before we start scraping the article content we need to make sure that we clean up the page from the HTML tags we don't need, so we don't get any kind of noisy text.

The JavaScript snippet that will clean up the page will be:

    let tagsToRemove = ['iframe', 'img', 'pre', 'script', 'style', 'hr', 'option', 'select', 'svg', 'video', 'input', 'nav', 'button', 'header', 'footer'];

    tagsToRemove.forEach(function(tag) {
      var elements = document.querySelectorAll(tag);
      elements.forEach(function(element) {

    /* and here is the base64 encoded version of the snippet above */


Next is the selector that will get the article content:

    document.querySelector('article').innerText.replace(/\n\n/g, '\n')

    /* and here is the base64 encoded version of the snippet above */


Now it's time to build the request that will scrape the news article.

This is the payload we are looking for:

      "api_key": "YOUR_PAGE2API_KEY",
      "url": "",
      "real_browser": true,
      "raw": {
        "key": "article"
      "scenario": [
        { "wait_for": "article" },
        { "execute_js": "bGV0IHRhZ3NUb1JlbW92ZSA9IFsnaWZyYW1lJywgJ2ltZycsICdwcmUnLCAnc2NyaXB0JywgJ3N0eWxlJywgJ2hyJywgJ29wdGlvbicsICdzZWxlY3QnLCAnc3ZnJywgJ3ZpZGVvJywgJ2lucHV0JywgJ25hdicsICdidXR0b24nLCAnaGVhZGVyJywgJ2Zvb3RlciddOwoKdGFnc1RvUmVtb3ZlLmZvckVhY2goZnVuY3Rpb24odGFnKSB7CiAgdmFyIGVsZW1lbnRzID0gZG9jdW1lbnQucXVlcnlTZWxlY3RvckFsbCh0YWcpOwogIGVsZW1lbnRzLmZvckVhY2goZnVuY3Rpb24oZWxlbWVudCkgewogICAgZWxlbWVudC5wYXJlbnROb2RlLnJlbW92ZUNoaWxkKGVsZW1lbnQpOwogIH0pOwp9KTs=" },
        { "execute": "parse" }
      "parse": {
        "article": "js >> ZG9jdW1lbnQucXVlcnlTZWxlY3RvcignYXJ0aWNsZScpLmlubmVyVGV4dC5yZXBsYWNlKC9cblxuL2csICdcbicp"

Code examples

    require 'rest_client'
    require 'json'

    api_url = ""
    payload = {
      api_key: "YOUR_PAGE2API_KEY",
      url: "",
      real_browser: true,
      raw: {
        key: "article"
      scenario: [
        { wait_for: "article" },
        { execute_js: "bGV0IHRhZ3NUb1JlbW92ZSA9IFsnaWZyYW1lJywgJ2ltZycsICdwcmUnLCAnc2NyaXB0JywgJ3N0eWxlJywgJ2hyJywgJ29wdGlvbicsICdzZWxlY3QnLCAnc3ZnJywgJ3ZpZGVvJywgJ2lucHV0JywgJ25hdicsICdidXR0b24nLCAnaGVhZGVyJywgJ2Zvb3RlciddOwoKdGFnc1RvUmVtb3ZlLmZvckVhY2goZnVuY3Rpb24odGFnKSB7CiAgdmFyIGVsZW1lbnRzID0gZG9jdW1lbnQucXVlcnlTZWxlY3RvckFsbCh0YWcpOwogIGVsZW1lbnRzLmZvckVhY2goZnVuY3Rpb24oZWxlbWVudCkgewogICAgZWxlbWVudC5wYXJlbnROb2RlLnJlbW92ZUNoaWxkKGVsZW1lbnQpOwogIH0pOwp9KTs=" },
        { execute: "parse" }
      parse: {
        article: "js >> ZG9jdW1lbnQucXVlcnlTZWxlY3RvcignYXJ0aWNsZScpLmlubmVyVGV4dC5yZXBsYWNlKC9cblxuL2csICdcbicp"

    result = RestClient::Request.execute(
      method: :post,
      payload: payload.to_json,
      url: api_url,
      headers: { "Content-type" => "application/json" },


The result

    Chris Baraniuk - Technology reporter
    Tue, May 9,
    2023 at 3: 23 AM PDT·6 min read
    Hurricane force winds can damage even the sturdiest wind turbines
    The world's biggest storms, which whip the high seas into a frenzy or flatten buildings on land, have long daunted wind farm developers. But that is changing.
    Operators are increasingly adopting turbines designed to withstand tropical cyclones. One of the latest examples is a "typhoon-resistant" floating wind turbine, which will soon help to power an offshore oil platform in China.
    According to the manufacturer, MingYang Smart Energy, this 7.25 megawatt (MW) turbine can survive wind speeds of up to 134mph for 10 minutes. It has been installed at a facility 136km off the coast of the island province of Hainan.
    MingYang did not respond to a BBC request for comment but theirs is not the first turbine designed to face down such an onslaught. In 2021, US firm GE received typhoon-certification for its mammoth Haliade-X turbine. It is fixed, not floating, and has a capacity of up to 13MW.
    The blistering growth of the wind energy industry is pushing turbines to their limits and some question whether the pace of the rollout is wise.
    While components such as turbine blades are remarkably strong, they are not indestructible. And the forces of nature, especially out at sea, are notoriously unpredictable, meaning the pressure is on to prove that wind turbines really are hurricane-ready.


How to summarize the article with AI (GPT-3.5-turbo)

In the following part of the article, we will:

  • Collect the scraped article.
  • Build a GPT prompt.
  • Send the article content and the prompt to GPT.
  • Receive the article summary.

From the code perspective, we will:

  • Switch to Ruby.
  • Separate the code into two classes to enhance the readability.
  • Provide the possibility to change the article URL and the number of sentences for the summary.
Let's start by creating a new file (gpt.rb) with the following structure

  require 'rest_client'
  require 'json'

  class Page2APIParser
    def initialize(url)

    def perform

  class GPTSummarizer
    def initialize(content, sentences)

    def perform

  article_url = ARGV[0] || raise('The article URL was not provided!')
  sentences = ARGV[1].to_i.nonzero? || 5 # default summary length: 5 sentences

  page2api =

  gpt =[0..20_000], sentences) # 20.000 characters max length

  puts gpt.result

This is our main script
It receives 2 arguments: the news article URL, and the number of total sentences for our summary.
The script can be called from the terminal like in the following example:

    $ ruby gpt.rb 5

Now let's use the code from the first part of the article and build the parser

  require 'rest_client'
  require 'json'

  class Page2APIParser
    API_KEY = ''

    attr_reader :url, :article_content

    def initialize(url)
      @url = url

    def perform
      @article_content = RestClient::Request.execute(
        method: :post,
        payload: payload.to_json,
        url: '',
        headers: { "Content-type" => "application/json" },


    def payload
        api_key: API_KEY,
        url: url,
        real_browser: true,
        scenario: [
          { wait_for: "article" },
          { execute_js: "bGV0IHRhZ3NUb1JlbW92ZSA9IFsnaWZyYW1lJywgJ2ltZycsICdwcmUnLCAnc2NyaXB0JywgJ3N0eWxlJywgJ2hyJywgJ29wdGlvbicsICdzZWxlY3QnLCAnc3ZnJywgJ3ZpZGVvJywgJ2lucHV0JywgJ25hdicsICdidXR0b24nLCAnaGVhZGVyJywgJ2Zvb3RlciddOwoKdGFnc1RvUmVtb3ZlLmZvckVhY2goZnVuY3Rpb24odGFnKSB7CiAgdmFyIGVsZW1lbnRzID0gZG9jdW1lbnQucXVlcnlTZWxlY3RvckFsbCh0YWcpOwogIGVsZW1lbnRzLmZvckVhY2goZnVuY3Rpb24oZWxlbWVudCkgewogICAgZWxlbWVudC5wYXJlbnROb2RlLnJlbW92ZUNoaWxkKGVsZW1lbnQpOwogIH0pOwp9KTs=" },
          { execute: "parse" }
        parse: {
          article: "js >> ZG9jdW1lbnQucXVlcnlTZWxlY3RvcignYXJ0aWNsZScpLmlubmVyVGV4dC5yZXBsYWNlKC9cblxuL2csICdcbicp"
        raw: {
          key: "article"

You can test the parser by updating the API_KEY

    API_KEY = 'Your Page2API API key'
and running

    page2api ='')

    puts page2api.article_content

The parser will generate the following content

    Chris Baraniuk - Technology reporter
    Tue, May 9,
    2023 at 3: 23 AM PDT·6 min read
    Hurricane force winds can damage even the sturdiest wind turbines
    The world's biggest storms, which whip the high seas into a frenzy or flatten buildings on land, have long daunted wind farm developers. But that is changing.
    Operators are increasingly adopting turbines designed to withstand tropical cyclones. One of the latest examples is a "typhoon-resistant" floating wind turbine, which will soon help to power an offshore oil platform in China.
    According to the manufacturer, MingYang Smart Energy, this 7.25 megawatt (MW) turbine can survive wind speeds of up to 134mph for 10 minutes. It has been installed at a facility 136km off the coast of the island province of Hainan.
    MingYang did not respond to a BBC request for comment but theirs is not the first turbine designed to face down such an onslaught. In 2021, US firm GE received typhoon-certification for its mammoth Haliade-X turbine. It is fixed, not floating, and has a capacity of up to 13MW.
    The blistering growth of the wind energy industry is pushing turbines to their limits and some question whether the pace of the rollout is wise.
    While components such as turbine blades are remarkably strong, they are not indestructible. And the forces of nature, especially out at sea, are notoriously unpredictable, meaning the pressure is on to prove that wind turbines really are hurricane-ready.


Now let's build the GPT summarizer.

The working principle is similar, but instead of article URL, the class will receive the article content and the number of sentences, build a payload, send it to GPT API and print the result.

We will use the following GPT prompt for our request

    "Summarize this article in #{sentences} sentences or less."

Here is our GPT class

  require 'rest_client'
  require 'json'

  class GPTSummarizer
    API_KEY = ''

    attr_reader :article_content, :sentences, :result

    def initialize(article_content, sentences)
      @article_content = article_content
      @sentences = sentences

    def perform
      response = RestClient::Request.execute(
        method: :post,
        payload: payload.to_json,
        url: '',
        headers: {
          "Content-type" => "application/json",
          "Authorization" => "Bearer #{API_KEY}"

      summary = JSON.parse(response)

      @result = summary.dig('choices', 0, 'message', 'content')


    def payload
        model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
        messages: [
            role: "system",
            content: "Summarize this article in #{sentences} sentences or less."
            role: "user",
            content: article_content

You can test the GPT summarizer by updating the API_KEY

    API_KEY = 'Your OpenAI API key'
and running

    article_content = <<-TEXT
      Chris Baraniuk - Technology reporter
      Tue, May 9,
      2023 at 3: 23 AM PDT·6 min read
      Hurricane force winds can damage even the sturdiest wind turbines
      The world's biggest storms, which whip the high seas into a frenzy or flatten buildings on land, have long daunted wind farm developers. But that is changing.
      Operators are increasingly adopting turbines designed to withstand tropical cyclones. One of the latest examples is a "typhoon-resistant" floating wind turbine, which will soon help to power an offshore oil platform in China.
      According to the manufacturer, MingYang Smart Energy, this 7.25 megawatt (MW) turbine can survive wind speeds of up to 134mph for 10 minutes. It has been installed at a facility 136km off the coast of the island province of Hainan.
      MingYang did not respond to a BBC request for comment but theirs is not the first turbine designed to face down such an onslaught. In 2021, US firm GE received typhoon-certification for its mammoth Haliade-X turbine. It is fixed, not floating, and has a capacity of up to 13MW.
      The blistering growth of the wind energy industry is pushing turbines to their limits and some question whether the pace of the rollout is wise.
      While components such as turbine blades are remarkably strong, they are not indestructible. And the forces of nature, especially out at sea, are notoriously unpredictable, meaning the pressure is on to prove that wind turbines really are hurricane-ready.

    gpt =, 5)

    puts gpt.result

Now let's glue everything together

  require 'rest_client'
  require 'json'

  class Page2APIParser
    API_KEY = 'Your Page2API API key'

    attr_reader :url, :article_content

    def initialize(url)
      @url = url

    def perform
      @article_content = RestClient::Request.execute(
        method: :post,
        payload: payload.to_json,
        url: '',
        headers: { "Content-type" => "application/json" },


    def payload
        api_key: API_KEY,
        url: url,
        real_browser: true,
        scenario: [
          { wait_for: "article" },
          { execute_js: "bGV0IHRhZ3NUb1JlbW92ZSA9IFsnaWZyYW1lJywgJ2ltZycsICdwcmUnLCAnc2NyaXB0JywgJ3N0eWxlJywgJ2hyJywgJ29wdGlvbicsICdzZWxlY3QnLCAnc3ZnJywgJ3ZpZGVvJywgJ2lucHV0JywgJ25hdicsICdidXR0b24nLCAnaGVhZGVyJywgJ2Zvb3RlciddOwoKdGFnc1RvUmVtb3ZlLmZvckVhY2goZnVuY3Rpb24odGFnKSB7CiAgdmFyIGVsZW1lbnRzID0gZG9jdW1lbnQucXVlcnlTZWxlY3RvckFsbCh0YWcpOwogIGVsZW1lbnRzLmZvckVhY2goZnVuY3Rpb24oZWxlbWVudCkgewogICAgZWxlbWVudC5wYXJlbnROb2RlLnJlbW92ZUNoaWxkKGVsZW1lbnQpOwogIH0pOwp9KTs=" },
          { execute: "parse" }
        parse: {
          article: "js >> ZG9jdW1lbnQucXVlcnlTZWxlY3RvcignYXJ0aWNsZScpLmlubmVyVGV4dC5yZXBsYWNlKC9cblxuL2csICdcbicp"
        raw: {
          key: "article"

  class GPTSummarizer
    API_KEY = 'Your OpenAI API key'

    attr_reader :article_content, :sentences, :result

    def initialize(article_content, sentences)
      @article_content = article_content
      @sentences = sentences

    def perform
      response = RestClient::Request.execute(
        method: :post,
        payload: payload.to_json,
        url: '',
        headers: {
          "Content-type" => "application/json",
          "Authorization" => "Bearer #{API_KEY}"

      summary = JSON.parse(response)

      @result = summary.dig('choices', 0, 'message', 'content')


    def payload
        model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
        messages: [
            role: "system",
            content: "Summarize this article in #{sentences} sentences or less."
            role: "user",
            content: article_content

  article_url = ARGV[0] || raise('The article URL was not provided!')
  sentences = ARGV[1].to_i.nonzero? || 5 # default summary length: 5 sentences

  page2api =

  gpt =[0..20_000], sentences) # 20.000 characters max length

  puts gpt.result

Let's run the script

    $ ruby gpt.rb 5

The result must look like the following one

    Wind farm operators are increasingly using turbines designed to withstand tropical cyclones.
    One of the latest examples is a "typhoon-resistant" floating wind turbine, installed at a facility off the coast of China, which can survive wind speeds of up to 134 mph for 10 minutes.
    It is expected that the expansion of wind energy will occur in regions where tropical cyclones are a familiar threat, including Southeast Asia and the Gulf of Mexico.
    Some of the most dangerous forces to trouble turbine blades are torsion, or twisting, loads, which can induce difficult-to-spot fractures.
    While current testing and industry standards are not sufficient to prove that the largest turbine blades can withstand these stresses, new designs, such as a turbine with tall, vertical blades that spin around a central tower, could help.


In conclusion, it is now simpler than ever to scrape news articles and summarize their content thanks to advancements in AI technology. The way we consume news and keep informed could be completely changed by the ability to extract useful information from large amounts of data.

You can use AI tools to scrape news articles and produce succinct and accurate summaries by following the instructions provided in this post.

The methods covered here can help you build your own article scraper to save time and effort while keeping you informed, whether you're a researcher, journalist, or simply someone who wants to stay current on events.

While our focus here is on harnessing AI to scrape and summarize news articles, the same principles of AI-driven data extraction and analysis can be applied in various other contexts.
A prime example is our detailed exploration in How to Scrape TripAdvisor Reviews and Perform Sentiment Analysis with AI.
This guide illustrates how AI can effectively analyze customer feedback from platforms like TripAdvisor, providing valuable insights into public opinion and customer satisfaction.

By following the methods outlined in our complementary blog post, businesses and researchers can gain a deeper understanding of consumer sentiment, leveraging AI's power to transform raw data into actionable knowledge.

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What customers are saying

Superb support
Superb, reliable support, even out of hours, patient and polite plus educational.
October 21, 2023
Very effective and trustworthy
Very effective and trustworthy!
I had some challenges which were addressed right away.
October 12, 2023
Page2API is without fail my favorite scraping API
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I've never seen customer service like this anywhere, so massive thanks to the Page2API team.
July 14, 2023
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The support is unreal as well.
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April 13, 2023
This API is amazing and the support was GREAT
This API is amazing and I am very excited to keep using it.
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April 19, 2023
Excellent service, super technical support!
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Nick very quickly helped to deal with all my questions, I am very grateful to him!
February 08, 2023
Fantastic Product and Customer Service
I'm a no-code guy trying to hack it in an API world... so I was pretty apprehensive about what I would be getting into with this.
I'm please to say that the customer service is so fantastic that they got me a solution in under 30 seconds that worked instantly in my application.
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March 24, 2023
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February 16, 2023
Perfect for webcrapping javascript generated webpages
Page2API is perfect to be use from bubble or any other nocode tool.
It works submitting forms, scrapping info, and loading javascript generated content in webpages.
January 22, 2023
Best scraping service - tried them all
Hands down the best scraping service there is for a no-coder (...and I've tried them all).
Fast, easy to use, great documentation and stellar support.
Wish I'd found this months and months ago of waisting time at others. Highly recommend!
May 05, 2023
The best web scraper API for Bubble apps
Having tried several web scraper APIs I have found that Page2API is the best web scraper API for integrating with the Bubble API connector.
If you're a Bubble app developer Page2API is the web scraper you've been looking for!
November 30, 2022
Customer service is WORLD CLASS
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Honestly, the best customer service of any SaaS I've had the pleasure of working with.
December 02, 2022
It's a perfect product
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June 12, 2023
Highly professional support!
Amazing quick support!
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April 19, 2023
Nick was incredible.
He helped me so much.
Need it for a research project and I highly highly recommend this service.
December 21, 2022
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Ready to Scrape the Web like a PRO?

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